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Study Destination- Singapore

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

Singapore, a city of skyscrapers, is quickly becoming Asia's top destination for international students and is drawing students from all over the world. Singapore has gained the reputation of being a center of academic excellence with high rankings of its universities and other educational institutions, all featring in major global rankings. Singapore is one of the most sought-after study locations in the world due to its economic clout, good employment prospects across a wide range of industries, and renowned worldwide educational system. The city boasts of student contentment, safety, and affodability.

Industry and Career Insights

According to rankings. the world's most open and pro-business economy is Singapore. Information technology, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, precision engineering, aerospace, and professional services are some of the key industries fueling Singapore's economy. Numerous multinational corporations, including Twitter, Dyson, Tencent, LinkedIn, and Facebook, have established regional headquarters and international RnD facilities in Singapore.Singapore's connectivity, strong economy, and significant influence in the region make it a significant economic hub in Asia. Singapore has also been named by Mercer, the top human resource management consulting firm in the world, as the Asian city with the highest quality of life.

Quick facts

  • Singapore is ranked as the second-best country to live and work in, according to an HSBC ranking in 2019

  • 2 universities ranked among the top 20 in the world

  • Singapore is one of the financial capitals of the world

  • Institutions affiliated with top international universities in the USA, the UK, Canada & Australia

  • Masters of 1 Year and Bachelors of 2 or 3 years

  • Paid - Unpaid Internship opportunities for the students

  • Lower tuition fee and living expenses with plenty of scholarships on offer

Popular Courses

  • Computer Science & Information Technology

  • Engineering & Science

  • Business & Management

  • Economics & Finance

  • Law

  • Design (Fashion, Interior, Game) Management

National University of Singapore (Only SCALE courses)` Technical University of Munich Asia (Only PG)

Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) PSB Academy Raffles College of Higher Education Curtin Singapore James Cook University (JCU)

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Asia SIM Global Education S P Jain School of Global Management

Internship opportunities

In the fiercely competitive job market of today, when employers favor recent graduates with experience, your internship might be the difference between you and your competitors for a position.In order to increase your chances of finding a job after graduation, it may be wise to enroll in a program that includes an internship.Study at one of the colleges we represent throughout the world, and you'll graduate with the skills that top employers are looking for. These programs include built-in internships.

To know more about "How to study in Singapore," book your counselling session by writing us at

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